Magnets do the following things:
Attract certain materials – such asiron, nickel, cobalt, certain steels and other alloys;
Exert an attractive or repulsive force onother magnets (opposite poles attract, like poles repel);
Have an effect on electrical conductorswhen the magnet and conductor are moving in relation to each other;
Have an effect on the path taken byelectrically charged particles traveling in free space.
Based on these effects, magnets transformenergy from one form to another, without any permanent loss of their ownenergy. Examples of magnet functions are:
A. Mechanical tomechanical – such as attraction and repulsion.
B. Mechanical toelectrical – such as generators and microphones.
C. Electrical to mechanical– such as motors, loudspeakers, charged particle deflection.
D. Mechanical toheat – such as eddy current and hysteresis torque devices.
E. Specialeffects – such as magneto-resistance, Hall effect devices, and magneticresonance.
- Name:
- Elsie Cao
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- sales04@china-cinfer.com
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